
Our research methodology integrates historical and current economic, demographic and real estate factors which enables our Research Services department to develop comprehensive market forecast scenarios.

Research Brief: Employment – April 2019

Job growth rebounds in March; pace of hiring moderating. Removed from the disrupting effects of the partial government shutdown and winter storms, U.S. employers created a combined 196,000 jobs last month, well above the 33,000 personnel who were added to payrolls in February. Employment gains for the first quarter bring the average monthly total to 180,000, down 19 percent from the first quarter of 2018. The decline in hiring is in line with the current… Read More

Research Brief: Retail – April 2019

Retail spending slows amid economic concerns. A moderating economy became more evident in February as core retail sales advanced 2.9 percent annually, following a revised gain of 4.3 percent one month earlier. Unresolved trade tensions as well as a weakening international economy continue to weigh on domestic growth, straining retail sales in the process. Over the past few months, spending habits have been sporadic as they moved with shifting levels of consumer confidence.

Research Brief: Federal Reserve – March 2019

Interest rates fall as Fed shifts policy outlook. At its latest meeting, the Federal Reserve signaled an end to rate hikes this year, while reserving the potential for one increase in 2020. The Fed also announced its intention to end the runoff of its balance sheet, a process referred to as quantitative tightening. These steps have coincided with considerable financial market volatility and robust demand for Treasurys, which has pushed the 10-Year Treasury below the… Read More